Frequently Asked Questions

Have any questions regarding any of our work, fursuit or otherwise? Check here before you contact me; the answer may already be here for you!

  • Please check out my Prices page for my base prices to get a rough estimate, or play around with my Price Calculator, or contact for an estimate directly to get a much closer idea. Keep in mind, however, that none of the above methods will give a 100% accurate cost. For that, you must apply for a quote. Opportunities to do so are available before every queue opening.

  • We will be trying to open at least twice a year, with planned openings being in May and November, but may be altered depending on convention plans and queue length. Please keep an eye on social media for more solid ideas on scheduling each year!

  • All clients must be 18 years or older to order. We no longer accept minor clients at this time!

    Goverment-Issued Identification will be asked for to confirm the name, age, and the client’s appearance. All other information should be blocked or blacked out for your safety!

  • While I can take as quick as 2-3 weeks to build a suit, keep in mind that all the work is done by a single artist with only occasional outside help. Oakley’s Creations has seen a spike in custom commission interest over the past couple years, and I also rely on vending for additional income in between openings, thus my attention may be divided across multiple projects.

    We try our best to ensure completion within the year of the final payment (ideally between 6-9 month), however it can take longer under extreme circumstance. Do be sure to keep that in mind before commissioning, and familiarize yourself with our turnaround, queue, and refund policies under our Terms of Service!

  • While yes, you may, you will still be charged a quoting fee along with everyone else. And, even if you do, the price you receive in the quote will only apply for that opening, so it is highly recommended to instead just check the Pricing page, consult the Price Calculator, or get in contact directly and ask for an estimate if you are wanting a saving goal!

  • Yes, I do! However, the suit will not be started until all payment is covered, and a 20% of the full cost counts as a retainer fee and must be covered upfront. Otherwise, we accept any form of payment plan, just be sure to detail that you will need one. Please check our Terms of Service for details.

  • Please check our Terms of Service for our policy on deadlines. TLDR: yes, we do, however they will never be guaranteed without a rush fee. Be reasonable about it! Any deadlines under 6 months away from queue opening must be accompanied by a rush fee. Deadlines under 1 month away will most likely not be hit and may be turned away.

  • We can accommodate for them! Please be sure to include your statuses in your quote application form, or get in contact in advance!

  • While we used to be Just A Dragon creations, do not be deceived; we wish to work with as many different species in both our fursuits as well as our artwork as possible! Do not be afraid to offer us species that do not appear in our gallery, as we wish to expand our skill level and portfolio!

    If you are uncertain on if our suit style will match your character, request a character sketch upon filling out our quote form. That will give you a basic idea as to what your species will look like in our style via a drawing!

  • Yes you will, among other important measurements including head circumference, shoe size, finger/palm length, and wrist/ankle circumference. While we can do measurements only should you prefer not making a DTD, please be aware that the suit may not fit properly the first go and prepare to cover shipping costs on multiple occasions.

    Help will be given to those who need it upon acceptance into the queue!

  • Here is a quick guide to follow for your DTD construction that will ensure a quality fit of your suit:

    Do not try and make one at home alone; have a friend, spouse, or family member help you!

    Wear a painter’s coverall and socks for protection and tape up the entirety of your body.

    This means taping up at least to your neck or collar bone, to your wrist, and down past your heel, or one entire foot if you’re comfortable. Please be sure to do this, as this will allow us to know where your suit’s collar should be, how far your arms should stretch out, and how long your suit’s legs are and to allow room for your feet.

    Use high quality or tough-grade tape!

    Keep your posture straight and upright (no slouching!) with your arms lifted and your leg’s spread out in an A-pose.

    Do not leave space around your crotch or armpit area. Tape it as close as possible without it being too uncomfortable (no wedgies!). We will make space in your suit in these areas for you!

    Try and limit how many exit holes you cut. You should only need one from your neck to one of your legs, and a cut halfway up both of your arms and the remaining leg. Use a spoon for leverage and scissors to cut.

    Retape your exit holes and mark the DTD with your or your character’s name with permanent marker for easy organization.

    You may also refer to refer to Golden Maw’s tutorial, or Skypro’s video tutorial, for a more detailed and visual guide!

  • We are perfectly capable and willing to change parts of our fursuit-making process to accommodate to your preferences and/or needs, such as usage of specific materials!

    By default, we use the following:

    High-density Upholstry Foam for Headbases

    Neoprene (front), Cotton (back), and Fleece (mouth) for Head Lining

    PTEG 3D Print Filament for Eyes and Teeth

    Dye-Sublimated PVC Mesh for Irises

    Cotton or Polyester Sports Mesh for Paws, or left unlined

    Broadcloth or Polyester Sports Mesh for Feetpaws

    Polyester Sports Mesh for stuffable pockets in Bodysuits

    A mixture of Faux Fur, Minky, and/or Mochi fabric to fit project specifications (color, texture, etc.)

    Any and all above material choices can be changed or removed within reason, including by reason of allergies, texture aversion, or preference for care, so long as you communicate that upfront and check the appropriate boxes when asked! You may also provide any materials listed above if you have it for a discount on your quote (so long as it is sanitized before delivery)!

    The exception of this leniency is if the request changes the aesthetic appearance too drastically, such as changing eye shape (not size) or providing different sewing patterns. Ordering from us means that you are ordering our style as it appears or has appeared, we will not be changing anything about how it presents itself in order to look like another maker’s work or your own work!

  • We will have opportunities for parts-only commissions, however not too often. We may occasionally offer deals for them, or offer premade ones after conventions or pattern tests. Otherwise, we are more likely to not accept orders of this kind, given that parts are not our specialty!

  • Please get in contact! Describe your idea in detail, and we will see what we can do!

  • No, you may not. All characters that appear in our gallery are one-of-a-kind commissions requested by a client who owns the design rights or of an original character somebody bought the design rights to. We will not be remaking any of them, nor too closely replicating them!

  • Yes, you may! Just get in contact! Keep in mind, this will not be an active priority and will be placed in the queue after whoever has finished their payments in the most recent opening.

    This offer is only extended to past clients, or any clients wishing to upgrade their current commission.

  • Yes, you may! Keep in mind, just like for past clients, this will not be an active priority and will be placed in the queue after whoever has finished their payments in the most recent opening.

  • To most countries, yes, however all shipping and customs costs must be covered by the client. Please be aware that this company is stationed in the United States, so shipping elsewhere can get up and beyond the $100’s.

    We also tend to have trouble with getting items out into other countries, so please bear with us if there are complications and be prepared to communicate actively about the best options of delivery. We would recommend having no set deadline should you be a client from outside the United States, as with all these technical complications in mind, it cannot be guaranteed.

  • It does depend, and so long as you’re 18+! As of now, there are some upgrades that I will not offer (secret zippers, adult attachments, etc), but you are free to modify your suit to include them. It is your suit, I do not care.

    I am open to including modifications such as faux breasts, nipples, and padded hips; features that are suggestive, but not naughty. Ask if you’re unsure!