Art Commission Terms of Service


  • Please note that pricing was determined based on my own assessment of my skill level in art, which does include over a decade of serious practice and an animation degree following 4 years of formal education. Prices will not be lowered based on budget, exception, friend discount, etc. unless otherwise made at my own discretion or via a posted sale.

  • The prices listed on the price sheet are base prices, meaning that they detail what the average labor and material cost is worth. Should your character be more complex than average, or should you include some listed or non-listed additions to the requested piece (additional characters, props, backgrounds, etc.), the price for your requested item may increase from the listed price.

    • Please note that some additions already have listed price points. These addition prices apply to all commissions EXCEPT for the “Illustration” commission type and to any other type of commission where it is otherwise noted. “Illustrations” are high-quality, high labor works and specific additions will cost more to include.

  • The prices listed on the price sheet cover the creation of the art piece ONLY and do not include commercial rights. Do not use your commission for commercial purposes (including but not limited to merch printing and sale and publication for profit) without purchasing a written license to use.

    • The charge for commercial rights depends on its usage and must be disclosed and discussed before payment occurs.

    • You can always approach again later to purchase commercial rights if you wish to use the commissioned artwork for profit on a later date.


  • You must be 15 years or older to commission any art from me. If you are younger, a parent or guardian must be in contact and must conduct the primary business dealings in your stead.

  • A full-color reference sheet OR at least one piece of artwork with all visible markings and colors must be provided, unless the commission type does not require one (custom character design, logo, etc.).

  • Below is a list of the artwork themes I WILL NOT do unless otherwise announced or discussed.

    • NSFW

    • Violent or extreme gore

    • Political imagery

  • Below is a list of the artwork themes I WILL NEVER do.

    • Hateful or misrepresentation imagery (racism, homo/transphobia, political hate groups, etc.)

    • Targeted Attacks

    • Dishonest usage of characters (theft, suggestive themes of characters who you don’t have permission for use, etc.)

  • Below is a list of the artwork themes I WILL do unless otherwise discussed.

    • Suggestive themes (please be sure that you are over the age of 18 and participating characters you have the rights and permissions to use in this manner. ID will be asked for.)

    • Mild gore (usage of blood, inner anatomy or organs, etc.) and non-realistic gore (candy gore, unique colored blood, stuffing gore, etc.)

    • Religious imagery (so long as it is not hateful towards others or towards the featured religion)

    • Most non-violent, potentially triggering themes (a trigger warning post will be included for public sharing)

    • Humans, anthropomorphic animals, feral animals, robotics; most forms of characterization.

      • If you have a theme in mind that you are unsure if I will do, please contact me for discussion!

  • Work in Progresses will be provided after each major stage of the art process (thumbnail, sketch correction, color, etc.).

  • The turn-around time in which you get your commission will vary based on the complexity of commission ordered, however keep in mind that I also typically am working on fursuits and, potentially, animation-related contracts at the same time as your art commission. Fursuit commissions, studio contracts, as well as any form of emergency or family-related events take priority over art commissions.

    • Deadlines are accepted, however please allow for at least 3 weeks for sketch commissions and at least 2 months for the other larger order options besides “Illustration” commissions. A shorter time span will require additional payment in the form of a percentage of the original commission that is determined based on the desired turn-around time.

    • ”Illustration” commissions are the only type of commissions that I will not accept deadlines for due to complexity.

    • I will accept deadlines for shipped goods, but they are NOT RECOMMENDED. Oakley’s Creations is not responsible for delays, losses, or damages that occur by the postal service.

  • I open my art commissions on a spontaneous basis. Not all commission types will be available during all openings. Please inquire about specific services and watch out for postings for what I am willing to work on now on social media (listed above), or contact directly to discuss.


  • Payment of your commission must be UPFRONT unless the order is over $150. The commission will not be started until all payment is received. Cancellation may occur if payment is not given within 72 hours.

    • For orders over $150, I will consider a short-term payment plan. However, 80% of payment must be covered before I start the artwork. The remaining 20% must be covered before the coloring stage or 72 hours after that point. Failure to do so may result in cancellation.

  • I accept payment through PayPal only (I’m currently working on getting Square).

    • I MIGHT consider trading something for equal value art if offered.

  • I will be sending an invoice to your paypal email, please be prepared to provide it when asked.

    • Do NOT add your address when paying! I do not use Paypal’s shipping method, thus I do not want to run into any conflicts in relation to that.

  • Refunds are only considered if the commission has not shown evidence of starting and if no evidence of progress occurs after 4 months. Requests for refunds after the first WIP will be denied. Requests to refund after the 4 months since the purchase must be discussed and must have a valid agreed-upon reasoning. If an agreement cannot be made or a valid reason cannot be provided, the request will be denied.

    • Commissions above $30 will have 30% of the total kept for any refund made. Commissions below $30 will have 10% of the total kept for any refund made.

Refusal to comply to the above terms may result in refusal of service. Dishonesty or the breaking of agreements that occur over the course of the commission process (charge-backs, threats, etc.) may result in a blacklist.